Want to know how fast you can gain weight? Fast!
Here's my true confession.
For a year and a half I have worked hard to achieve and maintain 115 pounds, through diet changes and exercise. Here's my warning to you. That can be partially wiped out in less than a week.
With Passover and Easter in one week, I had lots of opportunity to eat matzo, fake ice cream (which still has calories and many from fat), and eat in restaurants.
One restaurant, my favorite - Present Moment Cafe in St. Augustine, has healthy vegan food, all prepared at 105 degrees or less. Their healthy pumpkin pie still has calories, healthy though it is. Duh!
Then yesterday, with that restaurant closed, we took a relative to Corky Bells in Palatka, FL. Corky Bells is known for fried, grilled, broiled or blackened fish and lots of southern vegetables smothered in fat.
What did I order: a bowl of lima beans, a bowl of collard greens, a bowl of stewed tomatoes and okra and a bowl of green beans. The pork and fat was visible in each bowl and I picked around the meat eating almost every piece of vegetable. Delicious and fat laden.
I almost forgot to mention the 2 corn muffins that had jalapenos in them. I used them to sop up the fatty liquid surrounding each vegetable.
If you are drooling and groaning as I write, groan on. How could a seemingly intelligent, healthy and diet conscious woman do that to herself? The answer is, "The same way you may do it to yourself everyday!" It's easy. Think you have no alternatives, trick yourself and say you deserve it and watch the pounds add up in a nano second.
So of course, today I have refocused on cleansing and doing all the things I know how to do. I've already been to the exercise room and spent more than 20 minutes on the treadmill and some more on an elliptical climber. I've had my first glass of distilled water.
What's the plan for the rest of the day? Lots of water, carrot juice and Barley Max. Some fruits and lots of raw veggies. No Ezekiel bread. Maybe a cracker or two with my raw blended salad at lunch.
Two days of this and I may be back at 116. Let's see.
It's slow and hard to lose weight and change habits from those that put the weight on in the first place. Fat is fast. It's easy, way too easy to get fat again.
Don't try it. Just take my word for it.