Wednesday, July 20, 2011

How Stupid Do They Think We Are?

I can't believe it. I'm on the treadmill this morning at 6:00 AM and see two commercials that gave me enough angst to walk fast and long even though I'm tired!

The first was a commercial for Aleve. The actor's choice was: Aleve or Tylenol. Take more Tylenol or less Aleve for the same benefit, relief from arthritis pain. Duh! Just remove animal protein and sugar from your diet and you will get the same result without the loss of kidney function. That's right. Over time prolonged use of a pain reliever will cause your kidneys to fail.

You get to choose: reduced kidney functioning and potential failure or eat a new way.

For me the choice is easy. I enjoy the new way that I eat. Please read all the posts in this blog; they are short and informative. And check out for more information.

The second commercial was for gout relief. Here is a double "Duh!" Gout is caused by too much ureic acid in the blood. How does it get there? Animal protein.

How stupid do they think we are? Apparently, pharmaceutical companies think we are very stupid because they sell a lot of these over the counter medications. I'm not buying. How about you?

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