Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Reverse the Aging Process

Someone told me on Thanksgiving Day that she told her daughter that, "Jill has reversed the aging process."

Why would she say that?

Here's what I think.
  • My 66 year old skin has very few wrinkles, helped immeasurably with the creams I buy from Sandra Cope International. They are scientifically called #'s 1, 2, 3, and 4.
  • I have more energy, stamina, mental clarity and joie de vivre than I've ever had in my life
  • I plan to work for at least 20-25 more years
  • I have no ailments and take no pills. I haven't seen a doctor in almost 2 years
  • My immune system is strong. Exposed to strep throat, colds, bronchitis, pneumonia, and other nasty  bugs, I have not gotten sick in 2 years.
So that's what I think. What about you? Is aging kind to you or are there things you would like to reverse. As me questions and I will give you answers.

No Weight Gain on Thanksgiving - Whoa!

It's true, I didn't gain weight on Thanksgiving although I figure that if someone ate all that was offered, the meal would have been at least 3000 calories.

Why would a vegan cook and serve that kind of food to others? That is a story for a different blog that may never be written.

Suffice it to say that I ate:
  • cranberry salad - made with oranges, unsweetened coconut, fresh cranberries, walnuts and raw honey (all organic)
  • distilled water that had be re-mineralized
  • salad with organic greens, tomatoes, cucumbers, orange peppers and a dressing of veganaise, nutritional yeast and organic honey
  • steamed parsnips and carrots with olive oil and fresh herbs
  • a bowl of leftover veggie chili
  • coconut milk frozen dessert (aka fake ice cream) scooped with a melon baller in served in a Waterford crystal dessert dish
That's it.

I did not have the organic, herb roasted turkey, gravy, giblets, challah/veggie stuffing, cranberry relish made with port wine and sugar, green bean casserole with cream of mushroom soup and fried onion rings, sweet potato fluff, mashed white potatoes with milk and butter, crescent rolls, pumpkin pie and apple pie.

No, I was not on drugs, I sat at the table and conversed with others.

Miraculously I had a fresh infusion of love for me and my guests and I did not focus on what I didn't eat. I just focused on others and what I was eating, and I made it through victoriously.

Thank you God the Father, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit!

Friday, November 25, 2011

Check Here Later

Two headlines that I will write about later:
  • I may be the only person in American who lost weight on Thanksgiving:) 
  • Overheard at the meal, "Jill has reversed the aging process
I'm off on Black Friday to watch my daughter shop. I'll expand on the headlines when I return.

Monday, November 21, 2011

"The Leading Causes of Death are Consensual"

That's a shocking title if I ever heard one. This is not original to me. I am quoting a report from Vital Smarts and "How to 10xYour Influence".

What does it mean, that we cause or hasten our own deaths?

I don't think it is referring to reckless driving, drug abuse, sexual misbehaviors and other addictions.

Unless you call over-eating and mindless eating an addiction.

I think the article is talking about how eating animal protein, unhealthy fats, sugar, dairy and artifically, and genetically modified foods cause cancer, MS, diabetes, heart disease, Parkinsons disease and the hundreds of autoimmune deficiency diseases that I can't spell, let alone pronouce.

Think about it. What you eat can make you sick and die or can heal you and help you live.

Picasso, the famous artist said, "Youth has no age." I have written before that I want to die at a very old age, in good health, still young. For me youth has no age and I want to become younger and younger until I have the innocence, purity and joy of a little child.

How about you? Would you rather take pills and have medical treatments and live for the days you have to see your doctors or eat in a healthy way?

I know people whose lives are simply appointment after appointment, treatment after treatment, pill after pill. They have to monitor their blood sugar, their blood pressure, their weight and many other vital signs daily.

What do I monitor daily? I monitor what the Lord is telling me. I monitor my body's energy levels. When I am feeling frisky, I work out more or walk with my husband or take a bike ride or just jump up and down and sing. I monitor my thoughts and my spending and try to exercise self-discipline. I monitor my pryaer life and try to be faithful to what I have pledged to pray for. I monitor my Bible reading and keep reading until I hear the Lord speaking His truth into my soul.

I don't want to live a life that "consensually" causes my death.

What about you?

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Checklist for Healthy Eating

Here are some of the diet tricks you already know to gain health and loose weight that are wrapped up in The Garden Diet….
- Calorie Restriction
- Low fat
- Vegetarian
- Vegan
- Gluten free
- Avoid white sugar
- Avoid flour
- Avoid MSG
- Avoid processed foods
- Avoid fried foods
- Avoid packaged foods
- Eat plant-based foods
- Eat water-rich foods
- Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables
- Eat nutrient-dense foods
- Slow / Low-heat
- Eat Fresh
- Eat Organic
- Eat Local
- Avoid meat
- Avoid dairy
- Do not microwave
- Drink lots of water
- Don't eat until full

I have copied this from another blog:

Check out their blog and pray about it. Not only could you change your shape, but you could change your health and your energy level and your outlook on life.

Too hard? Pick 4 things you can do to begin the transition. Master 4 things a week until before you know it, you are eating for health!

Let me know how it goes.

Sugar is Sugar!

For the last three days I have been feeling sluggish. Now I know why. Sugar!

It was my birthday last Friday and a friend made me a raw apple pie with only fruit and nuts and no white sugar. Naturally, it was delicious and I have eaten almost all of it.

Where is the last piece? In the trash.

On the treadmill this morning I really understood why there should only be a little bit of fruit in our eating program and way more vegetables. The natural sugars in fruit spike the blood and then leave us feeling sluggish. I even have an after taste that has lingered this morning of the sugars in the apples, raisins and agave that were in the raw apple pie.

Fortunately, I discovered the medicinal value of drinking rosemary tea. Yesterday I wrote about the health benefits of drinking tea flavored with fresh rosemary leaves. Then I drank a few cups yesterday and experienced some of the immediate benefits. It acts as a laxative, helping to detox the body from whatever is living in your colon and bowel that doesn't belong there.

So I expect that a few more days of the tea drinking regime should restore my vitality and help me take off the 3 pounds that the raw apple pie gifted me for my birthday.

I don't have a sweet tooth. Occasionally, I like a sweet taste, but not a sugary sweet, sickeningly syrupy flavor. So I will treat myself with other things instead of lots of fruit.

Lesson Learned: Sugar is sugar, even the good sugars. Eat sparingly. 

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Anyone Can Do It

In the current issue of "Healthy Living" from Hallelujah Acres, there is an article about a young woman soldier who is a vegan on duty in Afghanistan. Yikes!

She can do this with the help of buying and eating Hallelujah Acres Living Food bars and Survival Bars. In addition, she eats every vegetable that is available and she also take supplements.

Did you know that if you can't juice, there is powdered Carrot Max, Beet Max and Carrot Max is also available in capsules to swallow?

I guess the main thing is that you have to want to eat in a healthy manner.

Some do and some don't.

The example of Rev. Malkmous loving his grandson who died of cancer recently is dramatic. He loved him even though the teen didn't want to try the plant based approach to starving cancer cells and living instead of dying.

I've said it before and I'll say it again. I want to die very healthy, at an old age, feeling young. Not for the ego of it, although it does make me feel good to be filled with energy and healthy. Just to be able to give all that I have to help others for as long as I can.

Lunch today was a salad squeezed onto some healthy bread. I made peppermint tea and had a piece of raw apple pie for dessert. Since it was my birthday this weekend, I paid someone to make me this dessert and I have been eating it for 2 days. Maybe I'll finish it tomorrow.

If you want to be healthy, you can transition into a plant based diet. Just ask me how.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Eat Healthy in a Restaurant

I'm at an Embassy Suites Hotel and I wanted dinner. Here's how I ordered.

I ordered the Ahi tuna on wild field greens with corn, red peppers and beans. Then I asked the waiter to replace the tuna with the grilled asparagus and sliced avocado from another menu item.

No problem.

This salad was so delicious and so huge, that I couldn't even finish it.

Easy peasy. Try it.