Wednesday, April 27, 2011


Let's talk about energy.

Yesterday I got up at 4:10 AM to prepare to drive to St. Augustine for a commercial shoot. I arrived there at 6:15 AM,  worked (which means stand in the hot sun, move around a little, meet lots of new-to-me people, eat, and stand some more). I was released to go home at 6:25 PM and then drove 48 miles back to where I live.

I was on the set with people much younger than I. Who had the most energy?

You bet.

It seemed like I was winning the energy marathon. Why?

I don't eat animal protein. There was none lingering in my digestive system rotting and holding me back. I had my Barley Max in the morning before I left and some supplements ( Vitamin D, E, A, omega fatty acids 3, 6, and 9) and I tried not to eat the foods that were offered all day.

For snacks I ate cut up fruit, lots of water, some salsa and Tostito scoops and dried raisins. For meals, I asked for a salad and ate it all, had a small piece of garlic bread and then for dinner I had more salad and some spaghetti with oil and parsley.

This was the first time in more than 2 years that I had spaghetti and I only ate it because there was nothing else. I was not going to eat the fatty lasagna or tomato/sausage red sauce.

When I got home, I had Barley Max in coconut milk vanilla yogurt and carrot juice and went to bed.

On the set I was alert, ready to work, interact and filled with energy. The younger people noticed this old lady who was not flagging.

My eating program speaks for itself. I don't have to "sell" it. It sells itself.

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