Thursday, April 21, 2011

What's for Breakfast?

By popular demand, I will now share my recipe for a delicious breakfast that feeds your body and gives you energy for the morning.

In my Blend Tech blender (it's industrial strength but not as great as the Vita Mix, which I will buy next), I put:
  • one frozen banana, cut up into 1/2 inch pieces
  • about a cup of "wild" frozen blueberries - we buy them at Wal-Mart
  • a tbsp of Barley Max Mint  because it's for two people - buy it from and tell them I'm your Health Minister, pin # FTP. They also have Barley Max Berry. See which you like best.
  • some fresh raspberries or frozen, maybe 1/2 cup
  • some blackberries, fresh or frozen, maybe 1/4 cup
  • a splash of organic coconut/pineapple juice
  • cover with almond milk or rice milk or homemade Brazil nut milk (ask me for easy peasy recipe)
  • blend for XL smoothie 
This is my basic recipe and variations include grapes, grape juice, a dollop of vanilla coconut milk yogurt, frozen peaches, strawberries, and even fresh apples.

The key is to customize the flavor so you will love it. No sense trying to drink what I love. If you hate it, why would you want more.

That's the key to eating in a healthy way, a way that allows your body to heal itself and maintain health. Customize every recipe until it fits you.

I try to eat raw fruits in the morning since they cleanse you. In plain terms that means you will go to the bathroom and have at least one bowel movement which is what you want. Three a day means you are moving your food through you in a healthy way and nothing is getting "stuck." That's what you don't want, undigested food stuck somewhere in the digestive system, rotting and decaying and causing unhealthy cells to grow.

In and out within a few hours.

A big word of CAUTION here: a bulemic person,  someone who eats and then goes to the bathroom to throw up, will miss the benefit of the nutrition they carefully prepared to feed their body. Not only will they miss the nutrition they prepared and waste money, they will also be inducing their body to get rid of some stored up nutrition which is worse.

Put good stuff in your body, let it do it's healthy thing, and then let the waste leave in the way it's supposed to.

I hope you all don't mind my being frank here, but how in the world will you get the picture if I don't use primary colors and be blunt.

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