Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Myths That Harm

USA Today has an op ed on school nutrition and declares that money does not prevent schools from offering more nutritious food to their students/victims than what they now serve. Duh! Anyone could have told you that, especially nutritious conscious mothers who have been feeding families for decades, perhaps centuries on healthy eats.

If it's not money, what is it that hold schools back? It's the myths they mistakenly hold onto.

In the Adams school district 14 outside of Denver, the food director projected a revolt from the students if she got rid of chicken nuggets. Her projection was perhaps based on her own food preferences. The students did not revolt. They sat down and ate turkey subs on whole wheat bread, roasted cauliflower, herb roasted potatoes, a fresh salad and fresh fruit. Hey, it's a good start.

What myths do you have about food? Do you think kids should drink cow's milk everyday? Do you think that bread, rice, potatoes and pasta should be part of a daily menu at home or at school? Do you think that carrot juice turns you orange is and bad for you?

We will look at these myths in future postings. But here's one to chew on with your morning smoothie.

Children need some cooked food and some raw food with their breakfast but do you know what's best for adults? Not the overcooked omelet, bacon, home fries, bagel, muffin or toast that is being offered in my hotel this morning. Fresh, raw, uncooked fruit is the best for adults. It helps to cleanse the body from toxins accumulated from the day before. Try it. Have a banana, some fresh pineapple, and orange segments, if that's all that's offered. I supplemented mine with some Barley Max mixed with orange juice.

If I were home, I would have put a frozen banana in my Blend Tech blender with some frozen wild blueberries, some organic coconut/pineapple juice, some organic grapes and perhaps some fresh blackberries. The frozen banana makes the smoothie taste rich, sweet and delicious, like some kind of dessert parfait. Add the Barley Max for amino acids and vitamins and you are set until mid morning.

I carry a "living food" breakfast bar with me on the road. Mine has oranges, cranberries, some nuts and other natural flavors and I love it with some hot mint tea.

I love the tastes of the foods I don't eat. I just don't eat them. They make me sluggish, hungry (because they don't have enough nutrition). They give me arthritis, pains in my arms, achy joints and make me fat.

What do you eat for breakfast? Are your choices based on mythical beliefs left over from the Middle Ages or based on your nutritional needs?

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