Friday, May 20, 2011

Caffeine Again

A  recent study on caffeine has been in many newspapers, about how caffeine cuts prostate risk. Conducted by researchers from the Harvard School of Public Health it declares that heavy coffee drinkers were less likely to be diagnosed with a lethal prostate tumor.

I don't know who funded that study, but I wouldn't be surprised if pharmaceutical and the coffee lobby were be hind it.

I need to repeat what I believe to be true. Check out for more.
After reading this, choose your poison carefully.

Following are a few quotes taken from Dr. John McDougall’s book The McDougall Plan.
“Some of the most popular DRUGS consumed by people of affluent western nations are found in coffee beans, tea leaves, and cocoa beans (chocolate)… all of which contain a group of natural substances known as methylxanthines. These chemicals include caffeine, theophylline, and theobromine. Many prescription and nonprescription drugs also contain methylxanthines.
“One of the most important of the methylxanthines is the popular DRUG ‘caffeine’… undesirable effects from the stimulating properties of caffeine include: elevated heart rate, irregular heartbeat, increased blood pressure, frequent urination, increased gastric acid secretion (which contributes to indigestion, gastritis, and ulcers), nervousness, irritability, insomnia, loss of appetite, nausea, and diarrhea. Obviously, discontinuing caffeine will relieve the problems caused by this DRUG. It is particularly important for someone with hypertension who is trying to lower his or her blood pressure to stop drinking caffeinated beverages.
“Caffeine has been shown to cause birth defects in animals and is suspected of causing the same defects in humans. It would follow that you should completely avoid coffee, tea, colas, and chocolate in all forms during pregnancy.
“All three of the methylxanthines can stimulate growth of breast cells, causing painful enlargement of breast tissue and benign lumps. This condition is known as fibrocystic disease… In as many as 90 percent of women with fibrocystic disease, these benign breast lumps significantly improve or completely disappear in two to six months when methylxanthines are eliminated from the diet. There is also concern from investigators that the chronic stimulation of the breast tissue by methylxanthines may progress to cancer of the breast. Cancer of the bladder also has been related to caffeine use.
“One more undesirable effect of caffeine is that the DRUG has been shown to cause loss of calcium from the body. Therefore, another dietary maneuver you can use to prevent and possibly correct thin, calcium-deficient bones, or osteoporosis, would be to discontinue use of caffeine.
“The body actually becomes physically addicted to caffeine. When you attempt to quit taking this DRUG, expect withdrawal symptoms such as headaches, anxiety, irritability, drowsiness, tension, and depression. Withdrawal symptoms can last as long as a week.”
In the November 2005 issue of Newsmax magazine Dr. Blaylock reports:
“Caffeine is considered to be the most widely used psychoactive substance in the world. In some ways it is acting like MDMA (Ecstasy) and cocaine. That is, it stimulates brain cells intensively… If you stop consuming caffeine you will notice two things right away: that you cannot stay awake and that you have a splitting headache… This is because the brain has turned down the sensitivity to caffeine so much that your brain is struggling to remain conscious. The headache is because of rebound dilation of the blood vessels in the scalp… Excessive caffeine has several dangers. With high consumption, one can have a sudden seizure or even abnormal heartbeats. On some occasions the abnormal heartbeats – called arrhythmias – can lead to sudden death, especially if your magnesium is low.”
Caffeine stresses the nervous system; increases uric acid production and can lead to kidney damage. Researchers at Boston University Medical Center consider coffee intake to be associated with heart attacks and cancer, and when used with sugar becomes even more harmful.
“Coffee nerves” or “coffee jitters” can occur after 150 mg (1 cup) are ingested, while physiological and psychological dependence can occur at 300 mg/day (2 cups).
62% of American coffee drinkers in a recent survey claimed they “could not function” without their daily coffee (caffeine) intake.
Caffeine intoxication is a form of severe poisoning that occurs at the cellular level when as little as 250 mg of caffeine is consumed in a day. This toxic stimulant may result in heart palpitations, stomach irritation, dizziness, muscle tension and trembling, insomnia, shortness of breath, diarrhea, ringing in ears, lightheadedness, and headaches.
Children are far more susceptible to caffeine intoxication due to lighter body weight and comparative purity of physiology. Parents who wouldn’t dream of giving their children coffee are giving them the equivalent dose of caffeine every time they let them indulge in caffeinated soft drinks, cocoa, iced tea, and chocolate. The irony is that most of the caffeine taken from coffee in the decaffeinization process is bought by the soft-drink industry and added to soft drinks!
Caffeine first triggers an adrenalin release and then mimics the “fight-or-flight” response by stimulating the cardio-respiratory and central nervous systems. Every cell, organ, and system is affected by caffeine.
Caffeine speeds up Basal Metabolic Rate by 10 – 25%. It increases blood pressure, causes irregular heart rate, and restricts brain blood flow. It is implicated in cardiovascular disease. Six cups of coffee daily, doubles heart attack risk.
Caffeine stimulates overproduction of gastric pepsin/hydrochloric acid, contributing to the formation of stomach ulcers.
Besides all of these physical symptoms of auto-poisoning, caffeine can stimulate mental disorders with symptoms identical to “anxiety neurosis”: nervousness, irritability, self-consciousness, moodiness, and/or depression. Indeed, some people who suffer from mental disorders are undoubtedly “adding fuel to the fire” when they become caught in a vicious circle of caffeine use.

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