Thursday, May 5, 2011

Smell Better!

A few welcome side effects of the vegan diet I follow are that my husband and I don't smell so bad.

When you stop laughing, listen up. We never got a notice from the Board of Health. But when I wake up in the morning, my mouth doesn't taste foul anymore. When my husband works outside and comes in sweaty, he doesn't smell like a horse anymore.

Removing the animal protein from your diet is the reason we smell better. No joke. Can you imagine what caused the odors in the first place?

It's big business in the US to cover up smells: perfume, deodorant, house deodorizers, scented soaps, detergents, scrubs and so much more. Remove the cause of these odors that come out of our bodies and perhaps Proctor and Gamble and the other companies can make products that would be more useful.

Has it ever occurred to you why the odor masking business has gotten so huge? I'm sure it's mostly because we and our pets eat animal food that putrifies in our bodies and makes us smell bad. If the odor is there, can you imagine what else these substances are doing to our insides?

Take a month to detox and see if you smell better. Let me know.  I'd love the feeedback.

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